
Mindful. Creative. Embodied.

As part of my work I offer Focusing and Focusing-inspired Facilitation and Coaching

What is allowed to be, can change.

Klaus Renn, Author and Focusing Teacher               

As sculptress and artist I am fascinated with natural processes, which I explore with my artistic work. As an art teacher I loved facilitating creative processes in children and young adults.To support natural and creative process in individuals and groups has become a conviction of mine ever since.  Our own life path is a creative and meaningful process of self-realisation if it is allowed to unfold. 

Focusing is a method and philosophy that I found very useful to apply. Though presence and staying with the unknown it allows things to unfold into it´s natural state of wholeness. In this atmosphere, stuck inner processes can start to flow again. As a consequence possibilities appear that were invisible before. These methods can also be applied to meaningful development of organisations as shown by Otto Scharmer in Theory U

More about Focusing

coming soon……

Focusing is helpful with:
  • blockages of all kind
  • body-integrated decision-making 
  • coping with overwhelm
  • clarity on personal affairs
  • selfcare and resilience
  • self-sabotage and inner critics

If you are interested in contact me :